Immersive Technologies, Another Way to See the World

The satisfaction and user experience should be what guides the optimization process of this type of technologies

Immersive technology is an expression used to refer to the methods and tools which make our immersion completely possible in an artificial world. And these technologies are booming. In this sense, the most prominent associated trends are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Likewise, for many specialists and experts in the field, the Mixed Reality which includes both technologies mentioned above, is being considered as the future of immersive technology. Precisely, it is because it has a wide range of application in a great number of professional sectors.

Apart from those mentioned, immersive technologies also include haptic interactivity or technology, infrared technology, tele-immersion and holographic representations.

In all cases, this set of innovative techniques tries to have a vivid experience and a high degree of interaction with the virtual environment, involving our five senses.

Current Outlook of Immersive Technologies

Nowadays, conditions are not entirely created to exploit the full potential of these technologies. When milestones like the improvement and development of connectivity, ergonomics or speed, and the efficiency of data processing will be registered, only in this case, it will be possible to include those advances naturally in the environments.

Furthermore, it is expected that 5G mobile network connections will facilitate the introduction and access to immersive experiences, due to its increased bandwidth and low latency.

Regarding the haptic technologies, there are different proposals based on it. However, difficulties focused on ergonomics as well as the way of connecting hardware-type elements or mechanical actuators makes all more complicated. These elements together with the built-in sensors are indispensable for us to perceive the sensory experience.

On the other hand, the Diminished Reality proposes to remove some parts or elements of reality. In this way, we only have those ones which are essential in the virtual environment. And as a consequence, we may visit cities without distractions, noise and without people. In summary, this is about excluding the possible sound and visual noise that we have to deal with in a real visit, and then we can focus on the important elements that motivated us to have this experience.

It is worth noting that within immersive technologies the most developed ones are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Therefore, a huge part of the immersive experiences which are generated today depend on them.

Virtual Reality has contributed to the development of the video game industry. This technology allows us to develop virtual, real or imaginary worlds. Meanwhile, Augmented Reality means to include additional content within real scenarios.

Professionals linked to the development of immersive technologies

At the same time that immersive technologies are being developed, new elements are included to guarantee the development of linked projects. Moreover, quantity and variety of professionals increase too as they are necessary to the progress of this branch.

This particular technology sector is always changing. Therefore, new professional profiles may be defined and included in the future to assist in its operation and optimization.

However, in this case, graphic designers and software engineers have the most important role. Regarding software engineers, we can highlight those specialized in simulation, RV and graphic computing. The need for this type of profiles is expected to increase considerably next year.

Meanwhile, it is predicted that these technologies could be included in different business sectors and generate a widespread growth. According to specialists, retail sector will be the one who will apply these technologies more progressively. Its use is estimated to have an annual growth over 230% from 2020.

Creative use on the rise

The development of immersive technologies is an optimal alternative for professionals related to technical and creative profiles, which include programmers and graphic designers.

However, it is essential to link highly qualified specialists who are able to design and implement creative ideas realistically when recreating virtual spaces. And the satisfaction and user experience should be what guides the process.

Successful cases with the use of immersive technologies 

These kinds of technologies have been widely accepted in different fields; such is the case of Architecture and Interior Design, although the leisure industry has also been exploiting its possibilities for a few years.

Thanks to this technology we can travel to space; visit different historical or interesting places, such as museums or the Egyptian Pyramids. Likewise, it is used successfully in educational centers, as a way of teaching to motivate students or so that they can understand some abstract concepts better.

On the one hand, VR has been linked to the entertainment industry and it offers the possibility of having fantastic experiences or taking actions that in our daily life would not be possible.  If we talk about its professional application, it is spearheading the Proptech sector and is widely applied in Interior Design and Decoration projects as a planning tool.

On the other hand, the AR is commonly used as an accessory technology of some apps that we usally install on our smartphones. One of the most representative cases of the use of this technology is Pokémon Go.

"Business professionals engaging with virtual reality technology in a modern office setting, showcasing immersive solutions and B2B applications.

                                                                              Virtual Reality is already used in space planning projects

Mixed Reality: format with more opportunities in the market

MR has undergone a great development in recent years. It is understood as a technology that manages to combine the visual potential of the AR with the interactivity provided by VR. The ability to combine these distinctive features of both realities allows us to interact with virtual elements, in a real world.

Including and improving some technical aspects, MR is expected to provide a more satisfactory user experience. And it will do it thanks to the introduction of elements that increase the accuracy and interaction of the user in a virtual environment. As well as recognizing patters which helps to people to react more naturally when they see and object. 

Tool or resource of interaction

In order for us to explore these environments that we have been talking about, we need to use a specific device. Nowadays, several companies are developing or improving glasses or means of interaction. Google defends the DayDream product; Microsoft bets on HoloLens, and Oculus has Rift.

We can also mention the case of the Magic Leap Project, whose device includes photonic light-field chips. This feature turn into an optical system that makes our eyes focus on objects located at short or long distance. Thus, we cannot differentiate virtual elements from real ones.

Given the variety of devices, it is recommended to seek advice. Then it is necessary to develop the proper skills to implement quality projects, using the most accepted technologies in the market.

In general, immersive technologies have increased and generated trust in both the private and B2B public. Among all of them, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the most developed ones, and they lead a process of conversion in lot of relevant sectors.

In Glancing EYE we use Virtual Reality to improve the commercial possibilities of our Real Estate clients. We design immersive experiences to improve your planning capacity in Interior Design projects.


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