Interior Design Trends 2025

One more year, when autumn arrives, the main furniture manufacturers as well as the biggest interior design benchmarks, start to define the interior decoration trends for this 2025.

Interior Decoration Trends: A new distribution that is not so new

One of the main trends that will arise is to break walls, remove doors and show all rooms as much wider spaces. Effectively, open-plan spaces contribute in a significant way to mix environments, but by adding some auxiliary elements, you can separate ones from the others.

The walls like those which separate kitchen from dining room will be the first ones to fall. This allows enjoying a shared area which is much more dynamic and illuminated. Furthermore, as it creates a great feeling of spaciousness, you can add more decoration according to your kitchen style.

Adding plants, stone elements or terrazzo tables will be the vintage touch included in the main interior designs during these next years. All this combined together in a space but without overdoing it and with a lot of options regarding furniture orientation.

Kitchens with a great decorative value

On the one hand, light kitchens are still appearing with natural elements like wood and light as the main factor, in front of new dark or completely black kitchens. Well, for 2019, the most used ones, as a general rule, will be white kitchens with good lighting and the star material will be non-lacquered wood. Spaces in great detail
Textile accessories will be an essential element during this autumn/winter. The idea is to complement the bareness of rough wood with warm elements such as pillows and patterned rugs. On the other hand, the rest of auxiliary decorative elements will also show a great chromatic diversity and the gold tone will continue being used.

I won’t believe unless I see it

Undoubtedly, this will be a transitional season and not all people will be able to adapt their houses with the new fashion trends. However, thanks to our designers’ team, now you can check all changes that you have in mind before applying them with a 3D visualization.

Choose your project and start to plan the interior decoration of your home with our 3D experts.


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